How to make Resin Coaster and Soap Dish
(Course length approximately 40 minutes)

Unlimited direct Q&A with an EASY RESIN teacher! Guiding how to work with resin step by step. Three projects in one course which are dried flowers coaster, two-tone coaster with letter glitters and fern leaf soap dish.

✅ Tips and keys to beautiful resin arts.
✅ Beginner friendly! Guiding step by step from beginning to advanced level.
✅ Best sources to find low-price resin accessories revealed. 
✅ Unlimited direct Q&A with our teacher.
✅ Teach by resin expert with more than 6 years experience with epoxy resin.
✅ No expiry! Unlimited access forever.
✅ Will be working on 3 projects (from beginning level to advanced level).
✅ This course is only available on Facebook Group (Invited by EASY RESIN).

You will learn:

  1. Introduction to resin. Understand the correct way to mix and pour the material for a perfect final product. Explore color pigment and powder, foil, glitters and flowers including different blending methods.
  2. Basic: dried flowers resin coaster.
  3. Intermediate: two-tone resin coaster with letter glitters.
  4. Advanced: fern leaf resin soap dish.
  5. Summary and special discount for course members.

Remark : Please join our facebook group if you would like to buy our course directly through the website by follow this link

**Please attach your Facebook account name in the “Company” field for our admin to proceed accordingly.

It’s time to let your creativity run wild! We are really hope to inspire DIY lovers out there to get to know more about resin arts. Explore new techniques that represent your unique style. It is so much fun when we can create something valuable from scratch and all by ourselves! So, let’s enjoy this together!

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